Dagens bild tisdag 19 december 2017
Bränderna i Kalifornien, beror de på klimatförändringar?
Du har knappast undgått att hör vad som
händer i Kalifornien! Det är torrt och
mycket med ved som kan brinna. Det förebyggande arbetet släpar efter
stort och inte bara släpar efter utan det är stoppat pga att människan
inte ska in i naturen och hålla ordning enligt somliga grupper. Det
gäller en viss uggla som sägs det behöver gammal skog för att överleva. I New American sägs det
“There are currently an estimated 66 million dead trees in the Sierra
Nevada Mountain Range. The land there can comfortably support between 20
and 100 trees per acre. The current tree density in the area is 266
trees per acre. So not only are federal laws choking the area with dead
trees, but the trees that remain must fight for space simply to
survive.” Gott om bränsle
således. Läs gärna hela artikeln. En kommentar låter
så här:
tionico • a day ago
Interesting, and accurate, analises of the effects of the Endagnered
Species nonsense, too.
remember back when the Northern Spotted Owl brouhaha was inventd out of
whole cloth. The claim was made that that critter MUST have old growh
forest to survive, it will not tolerate anything less. Baldfaced lie,
that. I know of some rural folks who have seen them nesting in power
poles, and in barns., When there are open forests a few wingflaps
distant. Hey, I've got some in MY yard, and I certainly do not live in
old grown forest, but well developed rural area surrounded for miles by
urban sprawl. Personal friend of mine grew up with the then head
forester of the Olympic National FOrest. Went to ask HIM the deal about
the spotted owl. Since they were so close, the forester did not mince
words. He said the whole thing was invented by FedGov because THEY had
DECIDED that the Northwest must end its economic base in timber
production, and inventing the spottted owl crisis perfectly served as
the excuse. FedGov also went after ALL the major timper producers, even
those cultivatiing privately owned forest lands. They FORCED the
companies to divest themselves of whole sectors of their operation. "We
can't have you providing EVERY STEP wllong the pathway from the dirt to
the racks in Home Depot. Forced Weyerhauser to shut down their
sawmills.... they could grow, harvest, transport.. but could no longer
mill. What a sick joke. No wonder the value of standing timber has
falllen... the profit has been taken out of the value chain. One more
sick example of government meddling CAUSING problems. End it. FedGov
have NO right or authority under the COnstitution that binds them to own
or control ANY lands except for a few nemed purposes, and that must be
PURCHASED by FedGov under agreement with the State.